By RE Writer
While you know a lot about your home, the Realtor® knows a lot about the client viewing the home. They have discussed this potential buyer's needs and wants with them, and they know what they are looking for in a home. The future new owners may appreciate things about the home that you have barely noticed, and may not value what you think are the home's best features. A Realtor® has an objective view of the home. They not only understand the viewer better, but they don't have the emotional attachment that you have, and can therefore do a better job at showing your home.
The best thing to do is arrange with your Realtor® ahead of time when you will be out and they can most easily show your home. Lock boxes were created for this purpose, allowing agents access to the house without you needing to give out a key. Modern digital lock boxes record the id of the agents who used them, so there is never any mystery as to who was in your home. Obviously, Realtors® are bond able, must pass criminal record checks in order to gain their license, and their reputation is like gold to them,so there is no risk to you in having your home shown while you are not there.
If you must be home when the home is shown, be sure to stay out of the way. Let the Realtor answer their client's questions, unless you are specifically asked. Some people will want to meet the homes owners, but for other people, it breaks their illusion of the home potentially being theirs.
Don't forget about pets. Perhaps your pet can visit a kennel for show dates. For safety reasons, a dog should definitely not be home if you aren't. And be sure that pet's dishes are clean and out of the way when the home is being shown.